Lauren has now reached the age of responsibility, maturity, and just plain old. Well, that's what we like to think. If you have known Lauren, you may not know her now. She was always a happy child and friendly, but now has turned into her own. This started happening when she reached middle school. We moved to Dublin for the school system for Jordan and Lauren to hopefully excel in their academics. That was truly accomplished. However, it was a great move for Lauren. She has met some of the best friends we could have imagined for her. It was obvious that God had a hand in this move. As you look at some random pictures of her, you will see some of the personality that we have all come to love. I would love to say she acquired this great personality from me, her Mom. But, we all know that is not the case. She has quite a bit of her father in her. We are both saddened that this day has come but we are both quite excited for her. The Lord has great things in store for her. She has definitely been a leader in her high school by setting an example of what a Christian is. It is quite obvious that she is loved by many as Duane and I were hearing her phone going off last night for facebook entries. She had over 100 well wishers. I don't even have 100 friends on my list. We love you Lauren and can't wait to see what God has in store for you next year as you begin your life at Liberty University. We are saddened to see you go. Enjoy these pictures of her.

Lauren's soon to be roommate at Liberty University, Kara Wheeler

Yes, that's Lauren.

She got hit by a Field Hockey ball right before a game.

She has the record in track of her high school in shot put. This is her last year to beat that record.
A poster of all the senior girl's basketball players.
Jordan and Lauren both got sport jackets and they thought it would be funny to wear the other's one.