Today Justin turns 25. He was born in Roanoke, Virginia. We were in Roanoke because his Dad had just graduated from Seminary and we were waiting in my hometown for that first church. It was nice being there, because he was surrounded by my whole family which was very special to me. He sure took his time coming. Not only was he 2 weeks past his due date but I labored all night for him and finally had him around 7:25am. His Dad barely made the delivery because the night nurse sent him home to sleep. I'm glad someone was able to sleep that night! After Justin was born, he actually rolled over in the warmer. The doctor couldn't believe it. He was quite strong even then.
Justin finished High School in Tulsa and then we moved to Columbus Ohio where his Dad took a new job. He decided right from the start that he wanted to go to Purdue to be an Engineer. That was something because he never waivered in what he wanted to do. I remember his Dad telling him how proud he was of him because Justin knew what he wanted to do and where he wanted to go so early. He knew from the beginning where God wanted him. He had 4 great years at Purdue. He then decided after graduation, he wasn't finished yet. He decided to seek his Masters in Engineering. During his college years, I often asked him if he had heard from one of his friends in Tulsa OK by the name of Melodie Dunbar. He said off and on that they had e-mailed each other. Well, I got this bright idea and sent Justin's graduation picture of he and the family to Melodie's Mom. You never know where this might lead. I nonchantly asked her what Melodie was doing and if she was dating anyone. Unbenowndst to me, she forwarded that picture of Justin and family to her in Russia where she was doing a Semester there for her Russian degree. Yes, she speaks Russian. Well, that seems to be all it took. They started communicating and the rest is history. Of course her Mom and I have said that we were the matchmakers. If you scroll down to an earlier blog, you can see some of their wedding pictures.
Justin now is a Mechanical Enginner in Peoria IL for Catepillar. I call them the big "Tonka" trucks, but of course they are called CAT. I see them all the time around town here.
We are so proud of him. He and Melodie are doing well and adjusting to married life. It's already been a year married for them.
We love you Justin and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Birthday number 1

Justin and his Grandpa

The Three Amigos when they were young and now all grown up.
Cousins Christopher and Ryan with Justin.

His first day to school. I homeschooled him Kindergarten and 1st grade. That is why he is so smart!

He ran track in middle school at Heritage Christian School in Indianapolis IN

Serious brothers!

Justin and his Dad traveled to Juno Alaska for a mission's trip after graduating from Purdue.

Loving on his Mom. I'm lovin' it!

Graduation from Purdue with his Bachelor's. Don't they all look great?

The Engagement. Melodie's Mom along with Melissa and I got to pick out the band for her ring. Justin of course picked out the stone.